Hello. My name is Chris Eady.

I enjoy coding things for the web.

I am a Software Engineer who enjoys building intuitive, functional interfaces for customer needs and sometimes just for fun. Currently, I work on building customized interfaces for customer workflows and data management at HBK Engineering Solutions.

About Me

Chris and Cathy Eady

Hello! My name is Chris, and I enjoy building useful tools for clients, customers, and for fun! I am a self-taught developer — but aren’t we all at some point? 😉 I started with Ruby on Rails back in 2013, then entered the NodeJS ecosystem where I enjoy building elegant and intuitive interfaces with React. I occasionally build things with Python or Kotlin, but JavaScript and TypeScript are my first loves for coding. Lately, I have also been exploring Svelte and SvelteKit. I’ll admit, it is enticing me away from React for some projects as it is so simple to use, and I can focus on HTML and CSS first.

I am married to my wife, Cathy, and am a father of 2 — Zeb and Apphia. I currently work at HBK Engineering Solutions, where I help build tools and interfaces for customers to manage maintenance data and processing workflows.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Redux
  • Svelte
  • NodeJS
  • Kotlin w/Spring
  • Python


Software Engineer III @ HBK Engineering Solutions

September 2019 - Present

  • Worked with a team of engineers to design, build, and deploy full-stack enterprise-level applications for commercial and government customers.
  • Spearheaded the frontend development of a new maintenance management framework by building React-based extensions for bulk-editing data in a legacy program.
  • Implemented general and customer-specific workflows with permission-based authentication for bulk data management with React using Kendo UI components and Redux.
  • Established code formatting and linting standards for company projects using JavaScript and Typescript with Prettier, ESLint, Husky, and lint-staged.
  • more...

Get in Touch

Whether you just have a question or want to see about building something, great together, my inbox is always open. Feel free to drop me an email, and I’ll try my best to get back to you!